Your partner in your biomass to energy project
In 2021, Xylergy SA has acquired all technology, name rights and assets of Xylowatt SA.
The NOTAR® story will continue under the umbrella of Xylergy SA. Please have a look on our new website:
Since 2001 Xylowatt designs, delivers and operates Biomass to Energy plants, converting natural and recycled woodchips into valuable and renewable energy. The NOTAR® gasifier developed by Xylowatt is the sole industrial reactor that produces clean syngas without any tar residues. Combined with cogeneration engines, our units supply our clients with renewable electricity, heat and cold.

2017 – NOTAR® 2000
The NOTAR® 2000 plant in Mont-Godinne was inaugurated in November 2017. It is the first trigeneration (Power – Heat – Cold) unit in Belgium powering a hospital site with renewable energy from biomass gasification. With this newest generation of NOTAR® with higher nominal output, the plant meets the energy needs of the CHU of Mont-Godinne 24/7. Moreover, thanks to this partnership with XYLOWATT, the Hospital successfully reaches its environmental targets, powering its facilities with locally produced green energy.
2015 – First NOTAR® v2 installed in industrial environment
NOTAR® gasification plant is installed in the region of Champagne (France) to power the kiln of a bottle manufacturer.
First gasification plant on industrial production site to power industrial process.

2014 – CMI becomes shareholder
This strategic partnership
» Gives Xyllowatt additional engineering and integration capabilities
» Strengthens commercial propositions of Xylowatt to its clients
» Reinforces capacity to propose turnkey solutions and operation services worldwide
2010 – NOTAR® Benchmarking plant installed in Louvain-la-Neuve
Xylowatt delivers a pilot plant to Institute of Mechanics of Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
Xylowatt and UCL benefit from this pilot plant to lead development programs
» Deepening fundamental knowledge on NOTAR® Gasification
» Demonstrating gasification of waste
» Testing process upgrades
» Developing new solutions (gas to industry, oxy-gasification)

2009 – NOTAR® gasifier to heat up swimming pool
NOTAR® v.2 gasification plant is installed in TOURNAI (Belgium) to feed a gas engine for combined production of heat and electricity.
Heat and electricity produced on the plant are directly provided to the municipality swimming pool.
2004 → 2007 – NOTAR®, a new star is born
Following two years of intense development within Xylowatt in partnership with UCL.
Gasification technology is upgraded to tackle the tar production.
First NOTAR® gasifiers are designed and demonstrated (NOTAR v.0 and NOTAR v.1).

2001 – Creation of Xylowatt
Creation of Xylowatt, spin off of UCL, by former researchers of UCL.
Xylowatt’s aims at developing and commercializing the technology of the university.
1999 → 2001 – REGAL Project – Demonstration of the integrated solution
Electrabel launches the REGAL project in order to adapt GAZEL technology for cogeneration purposes.
First REGAL gasifiers are connected to CHP engines.
Combined production of electricity and heat from woodchips becomes a reality.

1995 – GAZEL Project – First steps in the development of a downdraft gasifier
UCL teams work on the development of an innovative system of biomass conversion technology; more profitable than the conventional green fuel systems.
Developments include research on gasification of woodchips and agro residues.
Project leads to the design of the GAZEL downdraft gasifier.
1980 – The Adventure begins in the laboratories of the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL)
Professor Martin works on gasification technologies.

You need power? You need heat?
Let’s talk about it!