2021 – Organisational Update
Xylergy SA has acquired all technology, name rights and assets of Xylowatt SA.
The NOTAR story will continue under the umbrella of Xylergy SA.
Please have a look at our new website: www.xylergy-group.com
We would like to ensure all customers and business partners of our unlimited support to their journey of decreasing the carbon footprint and increasing sustainability.
You can reach us under sales@xylergy-group.green

Xylowatt joins the European Biochar Industry Consortium (EBI)
In March 2020, Xylowatt has joined the European Biochar Industry Consortium (EBI). EBI’s goal are to promote and support the European biochar industry with the aim to developing an important industry sector and to make a significant contribution to fight climate change.
As biochar is a valuable by-product of NOTAR® gasifier, Xylowatt is proud to be a new member of EBI
REGEN EUROPE 2020 – Fair & Conference
On January 29 and 30, Xylowatt visited the REGEN EUROPE Fair in Nantes (France). It was the occasion to meet professionals from the gasification sector and to present our NOTAR® technology. The focus of this year’s convention was about biochar valorisation and carbon capture.

The NOTAR® is certified by the “Efficient Solutions” Label
Good news for Xylowatt ! The NOTAR® has been recognized as one of the 1000 Efficient Solutions selected by the Solar Impulse Foundation. This Label certifies and proves the economic profitability of selected solutions that protect the environment. It is a new and credible symbol serving as a guarantee of quality for clean and sustainable products, processes and services. Xylowatt has been granted the label in December 2019, after the NOTAR® was assessed by several experts from the World Alliance members.

Biomass and Biogas Conference 2019 (Brussels)
On October 22 – 23, 2019, our Business Development Manager, Geoffroy Corbisier, visited the Biomass and Biogas Conference in Brussels. The occasion to meet actors active in the biomass and gasification field and stay up to date on the state of Gasification at this day and breakthrough in related technologies.

EIB talks about us
On May 17 2019, the EIB dedicated an article to Florian Remy (Project Manager at Xylowatt). He talks about his project developing a boiler system and absorption chiller to provide the CHU with cold during summer. Read the article to know more about his very important work here at Xylowatt.
Renexpo 2019
On April 24 and 25, Xylowatt attended the Energy, Waste and Water International trade fair conference in Belgrade (Serbia). This is one the most important gathering of the actors in renewable energy and waste valorisation sectors in the Balkans.
ACI Gasification Summit 2019
On March 13 and 14, Xylowatt was invinted to speak at the International Gasification Summit in Brussels organised by ACI. It was also the occasion to meet new potential partners and R&D experts in the field of gasification. At the end of the convention, Xylowatt and ACI planned a visit of the plant in Mont-Godinne to show good results of the NOTAR® unit.
REGEN EUROPE 2019 – Fair & Conference
On January 30 and 31, Xylowatt attended the REGEN EUROPE Fair in Rennes (France). Professionals from the gasification sector presented their researches and technologies and could benefit from networking opportunities facilitated by the event. The focus of the convention was about capturing energy and by-products from biomass and waste resource stream for sustainable valorisation.
Visit of Willy Borsus in Mont-Godinne
On 8 November 2018, Willy Borsus (Minister-President of Wallonia) visited the NOTAR® biomass cogeneration plant installed at the CHU of Mont-Godinne. The development of the NOTAR® technology and its implementation at the Hospital were made possible with the support of the Walloon Region (via the DGO6) and the European LIFE program. It is part of the long-term commitment of the Belgian energy transition (COP21).
LIFE – Platform Meeting
As member of the Life+ Porgram, Xylowatt participated to the LIFE Platform meeting hosted on the 26 and 27 of September 2018 in Utrecht. The topic approached during conferences and discussions was Climate change mitigation in energy intensive industries.
MGGE Inauguration
Xylowatt inaugurated its first trigeneration plant on the 27 of November 2017. The Mont Godinne Green Energy (MGGE) project was built in partnership with the CHU of Mont Godinne to supply the hospital with sustainable energy 24/7 and help it meet its environmental targets in accordance with the objectives set by the COP21.
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